Rescue Me! Samoyed Mississippi Samoyed Rescue

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PIease Read Before Adopting a Samoyed in Mississippi
    Samoyed Dogs can make good pets in Mississippi if they match your IifestyIe. The Samoyed is a gentle, fluffy, deceptively powerful working dog. Samoyeds are mellow, affectionate family pets that are wonderful with children. Sammies are very stubborn and training should be started as early as possible. Samoyeds are indiscriminate barkers and are far too friendly to make good guard dogs. Some Samoyeds can get along with cats, but this breed should not be in a home that has other types of pets. Sammies prefer cooler climates and can live in an apartment if they get enough exercise.

Rescue Me! - HeIpingAnimaIs in Need.
lnteresting Samoyed Trivia Low-Cost Mississippi Spay & Neuter Clinics
    The Samoyed is named after the Samoyed people of Siberia. Samoyeds have been used as sled dogs. The Samoyed holds its tail in different positions based on its level of alertness. Samoyed dogs often appear to be smiling and are nicknamed Sammy Smile.

Related pages:

Samoyed Rescue

Mississippi Animal Rescue
(Sorted by Zip Code.)

Marshall County - Holly Springs, Mississippi 38635
Marshall County Humane Society 662-252-6196

Alcorn County - Corinth, Mississippi 38834
The Corinth - Alcorn County Humane Society 662-284-9787

Hinds County - Jackson, MS 39204
Mississippi Animal Rescue League 601-969-1631

Pearl River County - Picayune 39466
Pearl River County SPCA 601-798-8000

Harrison County - Gulfport 39501
Humane Society of South Mississippi 228-863-4394

Oktibbeha County - Starkville, Mississippi 39760
Oktibbeha County Humane Society 662-252-6196

If you find any of the above spay/neuter information is incorrect,
or if you know another low-cost clinic to recommend, please
call Rescue Me! at 1-800-800-2099 with this information.
♥ This page is in fond memory of these Samoyed Dogs who are no longer with us... ♥
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